Eating brain-healthy can span across multiple cuisines, allowing you to enjoy your favorite dishes in a nutritious way. One such dish is creamy lentil curry, which is wonderfully spiced and perfect for lunch or dinner. Plus, this dish is a great option for hosting, and is something your friends and family will enjoy.
Chock full of protein and fiber-rich lentils and loaded with veggies: tomatoes, peppers, and spinach. Lentils are a great source of vitamin B3 and magnesium, important nutrients for brain health. Diced peppers provide brain-healthy flavonoid quercetin and lutein and zeaxanthin, which are also great for the eyes. It’s also delicious warmed up the next day.
1 can rinsed lentils (540ml), or 2 cups cooked lentils
2 cups diced peppers (yellow, orange & red)
dash of water
1 can light coconut milk (400ml)
large handfuls of baby spinach
Fresh lime
In a large skillet, fry oil, cumin, coriander & garlic in a large pan at medium heat for a minute. Mix well.
Stir in tomatoes & other spices and heat a few minutes. Add peppers & cook on medium heat for 5-10 stirring often. Add a little water if needed.
Add in lentils, then pour in coconut milk & add spinach. Cook a few more minutes. Boil then simmer on low heat with top on, until desired. Stir often. Serve with fresh lime & rice, your choice. Makes 4 servings. Enjoy!
Recipe Note
If you're short on time, you can use canned lentils.
Created by Diana Dibblee, R.D.
This recipe was provided by Diana Dibblee, a registered dietitian, yoga teacher, fitness fanatic, educator, and owner of Dibbsondining, you can also find her at dibbsonaging on Instagram for more delicious recipes. Diana's goal is to create sustainable and long-term nutritional health habits for lifelong wellness, helping individuals thrive with health in their 40s and beyond. She is passionate about combining good nutritional habits with mindful movement and lifestyle activities, a sure recipe for lasting brain health.
What you're putting on your plate plays a crucial role in your overall brain health. However, most of us have a hard time following a brain healthy diet every day. RELEVATE makes it easier by providing 17 nutrients from the Mediterranean and MIND diets to fill the gaps where your diet falls short. RELEVATE is designed upon the framework of the evidence-backed Mediterranean and MIND diets, and includes 17 nutrients for long-term brain health. Click here to learn more about RELEVATE.
For more guidance on recipes and brain-healthy eating, explore our FREE Guide on "Learning to Eat Mediterranean" by visiting here.