Build Your Profits While Boosting Client Brain Health
RELEVATE: Success Starts Here
For a limited time, you can take advantage of this exclusive offer. Get a starter supply of RELEVATE, our patent-pending brain health supplement, and all the tools you need to start generating profits immediately. This special includes a “mini case” of 6 jars of RELEVATE with a generous $7 discount per jar. Plus, get a complete launch kit at no additional charge.
Here’s what you’ll get:

- 6 jars of RELEVATE—specially priced—to get started selling to your clients.
- Sales tools: RX bag stuffers, signage, shelf talker and consumer brochures.
- Staff training support: our easy-reference information sheet provides details on the product and FAQ, along with tips for selling it to your clients.
All this for only $180. That’s just $30 per jar.

Priced for Profits
Most pharmacies price each jar between $69-$79, giving them a profit of $32-$42 per jar. At this exclusive price of $30, your profit would be $39 to $49 per jar, depending on your pricing.
For a deep dive into the science behind RELEVATE and the credentials of our team of neurologists, clinicians and researchers, you can download our Health Care Professional’s brochure here.
Capture Category Growth
The brain health category is growing 14% annually, far outpacing other wellness categories. You can boost profits and set your pharmacy apart by offering this scientifically sound supplement based on the deep research on the Mediterranean and MIND diets. Order RELEVATE now by clicking below.

*RELEVATE User Experience Study, administered through AYTM (2022)