Team and Advisors

Anybody who's really interested in delving into prevention of Alzheimer's dementia or cognitive decline will recognize that it is quite multifactorial, so our toolbox should certainly be filled with as many diverse tools as the disease itself.
Thomas M. Holland, M.D., M.S.
Dr. Thomas M. Holland is a physician, nutritional expert, and neuroepidemiologist with emphasis on the impact of lifestyle modifications on brain health as people age. He is motivated by a love for nutrition and his own family experience with neurodegenerative disease. Dr. Holland serves as clinician-researcher at the Rush Institute for Healthy Aging at Rush University Medical Center, one of the nation’s leading centers studying nutritional risk factors related to Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other dementias. There, he was mentored by the late Dr. Martha Clare Morris, the inventor of the MIND diet. Dr. Holland is also a Faculty member in the College of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition, at Rush University.
Dr. Holland’s research of dietary flavonoids and their relationship to cognitive ability, Alzheimer’s dementia, and Alzheimer’s neuropathology breaks new ground in our understanding of this special class of bioactive nutrients, the results of which were featured in over 150 popular press outlets worldwide, raising awareness for hundreds of millions of viewers. In addition, Dr. Holland is Assistant Trial Director, Medical Advisor, and Study Clinician for the national Alzheimer’s Association U.S. POINTER Trial, the first large-scale clinical study in the U.S. to prevent cognitive decline and dementia by simultaneously targeting nutrition, exercise, and other health factors.
Dr. Holland received his M.D. from Rush University, and he received his and M.S. in Clinical Research from Rush University as well. He holds a bachelors degree in Health Sciences from Saint Louis University. Dr. Holland is also a reviewer for prominent research publications, including Alzheimer’s and Dementia and Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
We deeply appreciate Tom’s passion for nutrition, as well as his practical, real-world standpoints on how changing people’s nutrition can affect people’s lives, based on the impact it has made for him personally.
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