RELEVATE Benefits Beyond Brain Health

Immune Function
The primary purpose of our immune system is to recognize and defend against pathogens (e.g., bacteria, viruses). Aging leads to a decline in our immune function, resulting in greater vulnerability to infectious diseases and also cancer.1 Changes in the effectiveness of our immune system can be caused by environmental factors such as diet, drugs, physical activity, and diseases. Nutrition is an important factor, and RELEVATE contains several immune-fortifying nutrients: potent tea-derived catechins and l-theanine, anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, and core B, D and E vitamins.
Green tea consumption has been studied extensively for its effect on the incidence and treatment of influenza. Both clinical and epidemiological studies show that catechins and theanine from green tea are immune-active, conferring significant protective effects against various strains of influenza and common cold.2–4 Interestingly, research is showing that catechins achieve this protective effect by blocking viruses from entering host cells and by reducing their replication.4
Our product also includes omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. These are shown to improve the ability of immune cells to attack and destroy pathogens, not only in plate-based assays,5 but also in human studies.6
Additionally, select vitamins are included, which are commonly insufficient and much needed in the Western diet. Vitamin B3 helps to regulate the inflammatory response,7 while B12 maintains a proper balance of different types of immune cells.8 Vitamin D3 reduces susceptibility to infections and risk of autoimmune disorders,9,10 vitamin E boosts immune responsiveness.11 Taken together, these present a broad array of immune health benefits.
Return to RELEVATECited Research
- Yung, R. L. Changes in immune function with age. Rheum. Dis. Clin. North Am. 26, 455–473 (2000).
- Park, M. et al. Green Tea Consumption Is Inversely Associated with the Incidence of Influenza Infection among Schoolchildren in a Tea Plantation Area of Japan. . Nutr. 141, 1862–1870 (2011).
- Matsumoto, K., Yamada, H., Takuma, N., Niino, H. & Sagesaka, Y. M. Effects of Green Tea Catechins and Theanine on Preventing Influenza Infection among Healthcare Workers: A Randomized Controlled Trial. BMC Complement. Altern. Med. 11, 15 (2011).
- Furushima, D., Ide, K. & Yamada, H. Effect of tea catechins on influenza infection and the common cold with a focus on epidemiological/clinical studies. Molecules 23, (2018).
- Kumar, N. G. et al. Dietary bioactive fatty acids as modulators of immune function: Implications on human health. Nutrients 11, (2019).
- Gorjão, R. et al. Effect of docosahexaenoic acid-rich fish oil supplementation on human leukocyte function. Clin. Nutr. 25, 923–938 (2006).
- Maiese, K., Chong, Z. Z., Hou, J. & Shang, C. Y. The Vitamin Nicotinamide: Translating Nutrition into Clinical Care. Molecules 14, (2009).
- Tamura, J. et al. Immunomodulation by vitamin B12: Augmentation of CD8+ T lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cell activity in vitamin B12-deficient patients by methyl-B12 treatment. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 116, 28–32 (1999).
- Aranow, C. Vitamin D and the immune system. J. Investig. Med. 59, 881–886 (2011).
- Prietl, B., Treiber, G., Pieber, T. R. & Amrein, K. Vitamin D and immune function. Nutrients 5, 2502–2521 (2013).
- Meydani, S. N. et al. Vitamin E supplementation enhances cell-mediated immunity in healthy elderly subjects. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 52, 557–563 (1990).