Jar of open RELEVATE pills, hand dropping pills into bottle. 'Pharmacist Recommended' text.

Choose RELEVATE: Reduce the Impact of APOE4 with Nutrition

APOE4 is the strongest and most prevalent genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.  It is estimated that having one copy of the APOE4 gene increases risk 3-fold and having two copies increases risk up to 12-fold.1  For almost all of us, genetic factors only govern a part of our risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.  That is, genetic factors alone do not determine our cognitive fate. What makes that difference? Your diet may have an impact on your genes.  RELEVATE helps your brain receive 17 clinically studied nutrients from the Mediterranean and MIND diets, shown to be healthiest for your brain.

Use code: APOE4 to recieve $20 OFF your first order, PLUS 10% OFF all future orders.

* Future subscriptions will be priced at $62.99

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RELEVATE: Brain Support Trusted by APOE4 Carriers

"This was the easiest change for me to make."

"With a history of Alzheimer’s and dementia in both of our families, my husband and and I (we’re both in our early forties) have taken a new interest in brain health. Seeing the suffering of loved ones who have battled these diseases—and those who have cared for their parents and partners as their brain health has declined—led us to look for supplements to help us stay brain-healthy in the hopes that our kids will be spared the heartache of losing us in that way. After reading reviews, comparing studies and ingredients, and ultimately going with our gut, we decided to give this product a try. We’ve been happy with results from our first batch, and intend to continue using Relevate in the future."

- Katherine user since 2021

"I have watched members in my family slowly start to lose their memory, all while knowing that was also my fate one day. I am so excited to finally have found a product that gives me an evidence-based chance to fight back against dementia. The ingredients are naturally sourced and I feel great taking this. I highly recommend this to anyone who is interested in their brain health and want a way to protect it!"

- Alexandra user since 2021

Jar of RELEVATE brain health supplement

Keep Your Brain Strong and Protected – Don't Leave Your Brain Health to Chance

  • Fills the gaps between what most people eat and the diets proven to be healthiest for our brains.
  • Experience peace-of-mind that you're helping protect your memories.
  • Free shipping.
  • Satisfaction guaranteed.
Use code: APOE4 to recieve $20 OFF your first order, PLUS 10% OFF all future orders.

*Future subscriptions will be priced at $62.99

Specific Nutritional Considerations for APOE4 Carriers 2

APOE4 carriers should consider their intake of a group of nutrients that scientists believe may significantly reduce the risk of developing dementia.2

Fish with DHA Omega 3's text.

APOE4 carriers need more DHA for brain structure and to reduce inflammation. Also recommended for better absorption into the brains of APOE4 carriers.

Chicken with text Vitamin B12.

Helps to control homocysteine levels, a risk factor for Alzheimer’s. Also help optimize DHA utilization in the body, crucial for APOE4 carriers.

Fish and kale with text Vitamin D3, K2

APOE4 carriers benefit from their protective effects and aid cholesterol metabolism.

Red onion with text Quercetin.

APOE4 carriers can benefit from quercetin's effects on MMP-9 activity, which helps in clearance of amyloid beta.

Red grapes with Pterostilbene text.

Found in red grapes resveratrol reduces MMP-9 impact and counters disturbed brain sugar metabolism in APOE4 carriers. You can also explore its sister molecule, pterostilbene.

Hard boiled eggs with Choline text.

A building block for neurotransmitters, choline regulates microglia activity, reducing inflammatory effects.

What Does APOE4 Do in the Brain?

APOE4 plays a part in controlling levels of sugar and cholesterol in the brain, has implications for the brain’s inflammatory response, affects the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, and accumulation of amyloid beta plaques, which are a key pathological hallmark of Alzheimer’s. Let’s look at these roles in detail1

Brain with gear in center Cholesterol

APOE4 gene causes a struggle with brain cholesterol processing, leading to a shortage of pregnenolone, a precursor for all hormones. This shortage can result in low estrogen and progesterone, causing symptoms like brain fog, depression, anxiety, and memory problems.

Brain with gear in center
Brain with fire inside. Inflammation

The APOE4 gene is believed to play a key role in brain inflammation, a main factor in Alzheimer’s. In people with APOE4, the brain's immune cells, called microglia, respond more strongly to amyloid plaques, causing ongoing inflammation. This ongoing inflammation can have damaging effects, leading to depressive and cognitive symptoms.

Brain with fire inside.
Brain with fish and blood vessel inside. Blood-Brain Barrier Aging and Omega-3

People with the APOE4 gene have issues with the effectiveness and efficiency of the blood-brain barrier, making it harder for the omega-3 fatty acid DHA to enter the brain. DHA is crucial for building cell membranes and creating anti-inflammatory molecules. The difficulty in transporting DHA can contribute to neurodegeneration.

Brain with fish and blood vessel inside.
Brain with blood pressure monitor inside Insulin Resistance

Insulin helps sugar enter cells and regulates blood sugar. Insulin resistance, where insulin can't move sugar into cells, is a key feature of type-2 diabetes. The APOE4 gene worsens this by making insulin less effective. When brain cells become insulin resistant, it leads to energy shortages and can increase amyloid beta, a protein forming Alzheimer's plaques.

Brain with blood sugar monitor inside.
Brain with dots combining inside. All Roads Lead to Amyloid Plaque Build Up

Amyloid plaques, a key feature of Alzheimer’s, form between brain neurons and are promoted by all the issues mentioned above. Clearing these plaques is also harder. The glymphatic system removes some plaques during sleep, but APOE4 is only 1/20th as effective as APOE3 at this critical "garbage removal" task.

Brain with dots combining inside.
Jar of RELEVATE brain health supplement

Keep Your Brain Strong and Protected – Don't Leave Your Brain Health to Chance

  • Fills the gaps between what most people eat and the diets proven to be healthiest for our brains.
  • Experience peace-of-mind that you're helping protect your memories.
  • Free shipping.
  • Satisfaction guaranteed.
Use code: APOE4 to recieve $20 OFF your first order, PLUS 10% OFF all future orders.

*Future subscriptions will be priced at $62.99

RELEVATE Includes 17 Evidence-Backed Nutrients to Strengthen and Protect Memory and Cognitive Performance Now and for Years to Come

We performed a proprietary, systematic analysis to identify nutrients critical for brain structure and function – using a proprietary research database of thousands of clinical, observational, and biological studies spanning over 100,000 participants.

RELEVATE Is a Brain Supplement Based on Whole Diets

RELEVATE targets brain-critical nutrients that most of us lack in our everyday diets to help achieve the nutritional profile of the Mediterranean and MIND diets. These have the most compelling evidence for maintaining long-term cognitive performance and reducing the risk of age-related neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s.

Designed for a Lifetime of Memories and Brain Health … That Starts Today

What do the "oldest" people with the healthiest brains eat? We reviewed their diets, foods, and nutrients, then identified the most common nutritional gaps based on what most people actually eat. We designed RELEVATE to fill these gaps. Why? Because people who follow brain healthy diets, like the Mediterranean and MIND, preserve their memory and cognitive performance, with less brain fog and lower risk of age-related decline and dementia.

No "silver bullet." No "magic ingredient."

Just expert-led and evidence-based R&D.

Simple, elegant, and powerful.

Benefits That Go Beyond Brain Health

RELEVATE is not only a supplement for brain function. A number of these bio-active nutrients and vitamins are also critical to the functioning of other parts of your body. You get a nutritional powerhouse that’s a great value.

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Chart comparing RELEVATE by NeuroReserve to Nootropics/'BrainBoosters', and Common Memory Supplements.